Fermentation is the process of preserving foods with the aid of lacto-bassilus bacteria which is airborne and present on all foodstuffs. Remember the olde style dill pickles with that tart twang? They ARE made by packing cucumbers in a brine solution of un-iodized salt with dill weed, garlic and additional flavoring and get their unique tartness and sourness from lactic acid. The brine helps repel undesirable elements from gaining a foothold while the lacto bacteria do their job of converting sugars in the vegetable into lactic acid. This acid is important as it prevents other forms of yeasts and molds and bacteria from being able to thrive in the now converted brine!
Today's pickles are mostly made by packing in vinager and adding spices. Vinager is much more costly than the brine used to make the old fashioned ones. Another benefit of using the lacto bacteria method of preservation is that the bacteria themselves have been deemed as healthful by supplying flora for ones digestive tract! Some nay sayers claim that one would have to eat gallons of the product to get the same benefits one would get from todays modern probiotic pills but all agree that even a little is better than none. The revival of the these once common everyday arts has swept the nation as we become more health consious and once again realize the value of having control over the additives and nutrition of our foodstuff. Many improvements and process's have popped up to address the problems and requirements a successful fermentation and canning system should possess. The main areas where control items are needed are as follows. It can be safely said that our fermenting kits and system are the best and most modern.
Fermentation causes buildup of pressure. Adapting the wine industrys's "air-lock" system a help. This works by restricting the entrance of air and contaminants into the fermenting vessel in much the same manner as the elbow under your sink. Until this upgrade, most people simply covered their container with cheesecloth or tightened the lid litely to protect their ferment from airborne contamination. Frequent "burping" of the container was reguired to avoid possible explosion of jar. This is really not sufficient by todays standard.
We will soon be releasing a new "Waterless Airlock" based on the "umbrella valve"....... This will allow very LOW PROFILE STORAGE or footprint on your countertop!
It doesn't seem in print that our system is "all that great" until you have experienced a few of the standard mishaps that you will run into while fermenting. Like a chipped glass, a sunken weight bowl, a busted baggie or a little visit from "Aunt Mold". Then the minutes add up and the fun slackens. Try our "much better" system early in the year and you will really thank us when the season is over.:)
We are proud of our little gadget. It requires no additional parts to work correctly. It replaces the need for weights. Allows total isolation from airborne contamination and is a dream to use when you need to "work" your ferment. Our system having 2 choices of airlocks is great as the "waterless airlock" completes a Fido Jar based fermenter by allowing low profile storage AND not having to remove the bulky 3 piece airlock when removing lid!. And this system can extend the overall shelf life of your fermented and canned goods drastically! We have many sizes to fit and adapt to any size container normally used in fermenting and canning.
For the average gardener well knows that "first pickings" can be small and spotty. Now you no longer have to watch those early veggies wither in the ice box waiting for more comrades to make a batch. When the garden reachs mid season it is time to try those recipe variations or even new ones before commiting to that one special one we all seek. That "Holy Grail"! And by season's end , you can go to the larger size containers or try our "BigBoy Buckets" that really work on those cucumbers! [not ready for production yet]
Another thing great about our gadget is that it keeps vegetables under the brine during fermentation AND after processing. Once the jar is opened , you can adjust the height of the Pickle*Pushing No-Float Jar*Packer downwards and keep the jar's contents under the brine or packing liquid thus preventing drying out and lower mold incidence while in your refridgerator. It extends the shelf life of your jars immensely!!!!!!!!!!
Sold as seperate units or complete systems or even as gift systems complete with jars and gift wrapped and drop-shipped to those special in your life!